There was a time that Memorial Day signified school ending, summer starting, the sweet taste of cold watermelon on a hot day, and the sound of sizzling hot dogs on the BBQ. Our view of Memorial Day has been drastically changed by our mission of serving the Gold Star and Veteran communities. It’s personal. It’s raw. And it’s important.
Gold Star Spouse, Melissa Kasinger, reminded us not only how important this day is, but WHY it holds so much reverence. “Joseph, you always used to say a man dies twice. Once when he physically dies, and again when his name is spoken for the last time. By that definition, you are still alive in so many of us.”
It is so important to truly understand the sacrifice and side effects of bravery and service. Our freedoms were secured by men and women who voluntarily stepped forward and answered the call, aware of the risk and chose to go anyway. Now, let us pick up where they left off.
One of our Gold Star spouses so eloquently put it, “For the families that have lost a loved one, and to those who have lost a comrade in arms to the ravages of war, it is a day of honor and reaffirming the promise to not let their sacrifice have been in vain.” As we look into the eyes of these families, we want to join them in their promise to never let their sacrifice be in vain. So, on this day of remembrance, join us in taking a moment to acknowledge and honor each of these men who paid the ultimate price. For us.
Each one of these men are fathers and husbands. These are not faraway names etched in stone. These are men who lived right down the street from you, who trained down the street from you, whose children are growing up in your neighborhoods, and are loved each and every day by their families. Our greatest wish is that you would remember them, keep saying their names, pray for their families, and keep striving to make our nation worth their sacrifice.
Our country owes a great debt that can never be repaid. We thank God for blessing us with the men and women who selflessly served and sacrificed for the well being of their families and fellow Americans.
Memorial Day
May 25th, 2020
The Fathers of our Gold Star Families